Tag Archives: Valletta2018

This was 3 years of meeting point strand coordination at Valletta 2018 for me …

1 Jan

Instead of New Years resolutions, I like to look back a little as it inspires me to look forward. 3 years Meeting Point Strand (2016 – 2018) coordination at Valletta 2018 came to an end. It has been an intense, but rich experience.

November 2015 it was, when the question popped up to see what could be the programme of Valletta 2018‘s Meeting Point Strand, and to write a proposal. As the title hints it had to be a meeting place, a crossroad;  in short a strand that connected the dots between projects, disciplines, backgrounds and genres.

Some elements where already there, such as the collaboration with Roberto Cimetta Fund on a Mobility Grant to facilitate mobility within the Mediterranean region, or the joint programme with Fondazijoni Kreattività for the artist residencies in Gozo. The rest of the strand was still very open.

So what to take into account when curating the strand?  Important it seemed, was not just to connect the dots, but also to find sustainable ground for the programmes that would find their place within the strand. So instead of going for one-off project common interests between partners and disciplines were explored.

And thus liveability, sustainability, connectivity, common space, co-creation and interaction became natural keywords within the strand. It all gradually came along and fell into place. Although the outcomes where very divers, I felt there was a lot of commonality between all the projects that were part of my job as a strand coordinator.

All had a connection with community, co-creation and collaboration. Bridges where made – and some sustainable –  between education, design, science, health, urban development and the different art genres.

3 years,  8 residency programmes, 4 inservice trainings on creativity for teachers, 3 urban labs, 3 international workshops, 2 masterclasses, 50 incoming residencies, 3 outgoing residencies and a the monitoring of a mobility grant later I look back at it with gratefulness.

It were 3 exciting years with a lot of emotions, inspiring collaborations, encounters for life and never-to-forget experiences.

Take for instance all the memories that will stay linked with the artist residency in Gozo .  So many different project, so many different outcomes, so many connections with locals of all backgrounds and ages. Bringing in the selection criteria on working/connecting with the community and the local cultural scene has worked well. It was hard to choose between the many strong proposals we received. In total 27 projects took place and 38 artist from 14 different countries stayed in Gharb between the second half of 2016 and 2018. What we hoped for, also happened. Some of the residency projects became part of the Spazju Kreattiv or Valletta 2018 programme, thus with some of the artists we had a longer journey then just the weeks at the residence, but with most of the artists there is still a very good connection. The latter showed when we were setting up the exhibition ‘Not Just the City‘. The exhibition looks back at 3 years of collaboration and introduces the future, as Spazju Kreattiv is continuing with a residency programme on both Malta and Gozo. It was a pleasure to work with Justin and all of the Spazju Kreattiv team, as well as the wonderful regional coordinator for Gozo, Victoria. 

Or the AiR programme we were able to set up for almost 3 years at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre, bringing art, health and wellbeing together in its own way. Art as a translator of emotions and as comforter along the cancer treatment journey. Pamela Baldacchino, through the Deep Shelter Project developed a strong and divers artist in residence programme including sensory workshops, an international residency, creation of on-site artworks with artists, managing the numerous donations, refurbishing the multi-fate and the interviewing room, organising concerts, readings, … It also resulted in a lot of interesting research, ready to be disclosed. I hope Pam will be able to continue with all this for a long time ;-).

Art and Science where bridged through a one year collaboration with the newly opened Science centre Esplora, including an international residency for 2 months, a masterclass and an inset for teachers all related one way or another to storytelling. The international residency concluded in an educational animation on indigenous plants (plantarium) and was a close collaboration between the artist and the educational team of the centre … that not just used their scientific, but also their musical skills.

But the strand did not just consist of  residencies. It included also workshops, trainings, meet and greets and inset sessions for teachers.  From year one, my colleague of the education strand, Angele and I started with a series of workshops for teachers introducing the use of art and creativity in the classroom as part of the inservice programme of the Ministry. The first one used ‘comics’ and took place at the residency in Gozo, the second one focused on creativity as such and the third one used games. For the latter we were lucky to be able to work together with ILearn at the Ministry of Education.

A special one in the series of international workshops was Design4DCity’.  The idea to work on interdisciplinary workshops and labs based on co-creation and urban design emerged from discussions with Caldon, the project manager of the Valletta Design Cluster. Since Valletta and in fact the whole of Malta is changing fast challenges on liveability and wellbeing appear. We wanted to support this discussion in an interactive and co-creative way, involving the residents on urban development on new, common space.

kafel-z-wro-do-valletty-97250The first workshop took place in Valletta and was the start of a collaboration for the next 2 international workshops with 72Hrs Urban Action. The workshops and labs that took place in the next two years left the city, and explored areas at Birżebbuġa and Siġġiewi. Collaborations with other partners international such as AiRWro for an international residency/exchange, and local show that there is fertile ground for co-creation and co-reflection with residents to define public spaces. We noticed that these 3 years developed some fertile ground to continue the dialogue and the interaction. Design4Dcity is now part of the Valletta Design Cluster, the work has just begun 😉 I’m curious to see how it will develop further…

Last but not least the strand was among others also able to support a residency at Zfin Malta,  Fragmenta Malta and Rima, as well as the masterclasses within the Monteverdi project, a long-term training programme for young Maltese singers.

In sum I could conclude by saying that this could only work thanks to collaborations and connections. To me it was a wonderful experience. It also showed that curation works best when one works together and when one trusts each other. Therefore I thank Valletta 2018 Foundation for trusting me with this, and all artists, colleagues and partners involved, it was a wonderful ride.

Im planning to write an impact paper on this …

Reflection on The Island Indoors

28 Nov

11wIn the last days of the exhibition I would like to leave a short reflection as a curator on collaboration and on the influence of a room on the final result. When Stefan and I started to develop the idea we had that particular space in mind as well as a selection of the current showcased works of art and hoped they would work together and create an interesting atmosphere together.  The storyline we had in our head was vague, but pointing in a certain direction: a showcase of high level Maltese art in a Flemish ‘palazzo’-like setting in a year where Valletta would be one of the Cultural Capitals of Europe.  We were able to convince the director of the space as well as the artists of our idea. What followed was a co-creation process between artists and curators. The title of the exhibition, the final storyline and the adaptation of the works to that context all happend in collaboration.

Very exciting and mesmerising was the moment when it all came together in the beautiful baroque room of  Hof De Bist. All works of art and the room seemed to give each other extra strength and lifted each other up. The total design fell into place and created something new. We wanted to create an experience, and I believe we succeeded but this was only possible thanks to the nice way we all worked together artists, curators and the team of the cultural centre in Ekeren.


The Island Indoors is a collaboration with 252 CC Cultuurcentrum Ekeren, supported by Arts Council Malta through the Cultural Export Fund and the Local Art Fund Ekeren/Antwerp, endorsed by Valletta 2018 Cultural Capital of Europe.

Participating artists and works: Aaron Bezzina – Position of Opposition, Matthew Attard – Maijalata, Caesar Attard – In Memory of our Luminaries,  Marc Thiron &Stefan Kolgen – Red Diffused and Ryan Falzon – a selection of Quick Fix – A Morality Tale.

Exhibition still on till 30/11 – 14:00 – 17:00 – 252 cc – Hof De Bist – Veltwijcklaan 252 – Ekeren

open call Artist Residency at the Oncology Centre in San Gwann

19 Aug

Open Call SAMOC

Very pleased to announce that as part of the 3 year residency programme Deep Shelter Project taking place at the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre (SAMOC), the Valletta 2018 Foundation now launched a call for an immersive Artist-in-Residence experience.

The residency will take place at the centre between January 2018 and February 2018 and will run for 6 weeks.

It will be a unique experience giving you the opportunity to work with passionate professionals.

The successful artist will create a site-specific work for the Oncology Centre and will work closely with project coordinator and artist in residence Pamela Baldacchino, as well as Dr Benna Chase, Principal Psychologist at SAMOc

The call is open until 14 September 2017.

More information on the residency and the way to apply can be found here

At the crossroads of cultures and people. The Valletta 2018 Artist in Residence programme

16 Jun

Interartive an online platform for contemporary art and thought dedicated its latest issues to the cultural scene of  Malta.  I’m now working on the Valletta 2018 residencies for about one year and a half now, so this seemed an excellent opportunity to write about it.  It is work in progress of course, but is an exciting and rich experience.

The article focusses on past residence of the Gozo programme, which Valletta 2018 Foundation together with Spazju Kreattiv. As you can read the ongoing programme of Gozo residencies already resulted in surprising encounters.

But a part from the Gozo residencies we were also able to set up residencies in unexpected places such as the Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre and in the new Interactive Science Centre. The first run by Pamela Baldacchino (Deep Shelter) started mid-2016, and connects art with healing and has evolved a lot. The video’s made by Tim Lewis give an impression of what is developed at SAMOC. The second one, Esplora AiR, brings arts and science together and will start in 2018.

Furthermore scholars/creative/activists/designers in residence are connected to the Design4DCity project, where the common and the liveability a city or space are central.

Each of which thrives on collaboration both on an international and national level, thus when Valletta 2018 comes to an end, the relations build in the years towards the cultural capital year will hopefully lead into a sustainable result afterwards, and has added a strong dimension to a creative and dynamic place of encounters in the Mediterranean.

Enjoy also reading the other articles in the issue and have a look at the online exhibition by Deema Shahin 

mapping accessibility in the Biccerija area

16 Dec

Last week residents and participants of Design4DCity came together to pilot the “mapping for change” – project run by Wendy Jo Mifsud and Antoine Zammit (Build Environment – University of Malta) and in collaboration with Valletta 2018 Foundation. The project wants to empower residents and visitors to share important information about daily challenges and opportunities in Malta’s capital city. As urban planners/designers one can have a broad idea of these issue, but only the ones living in the area can provide you with the right information. The pilot looked at possibilities/opportunties of how to engage people. The online map is very user-friendly, but we realized that for some the online tool might be a barrier, therefore it is good to have alternatives to proceed the online work, which could be a consultation session or like we did, take time to do a paper mapping first. The paper mapping focussed on pedestrian and vehicular accessibility in the Biccerija area.  I had the honour to guide the paper mapping session for which I used the MAP-it tools developed by my former colleagues of the  Social Spaces research group. This mapping tool can be fine-tuned to every situation. One can mix labels/text and icons to trigger discussion and ideas through simple task/questions.  The results of this session where then later implemented on the online map.  As such the paper session complemented perfectly the online map. But the mapping has just started. All online input is welcome to give planners and designers a beter insight of what a liveable city needs to be.

Presentation at the conference Cultural Mapping – Debating Spaces and Places – Valletta 23 October

24 Oct

12140777_10153737413181289_7125968515896584238_nYesterday Stefan Kolgen and I presented our paper on  The social aspect of digital storytelling; a case study: Jefke Tuf, an interactive documentary about soul carers then and now in a former coal mining community within the parallel session on Digital Mapping in a Social Context.

It was an inspring session, with lots of challenging and exciting reactions of the attentive audience.  You can find the full paper following at this link: Paper_culturalmapping_socialcontext_jefketuf. The  presentation as been posted on SlideShare
